Hello, this is my first blog here. I do not have a specific subject that I will stick to, just random thoughts and stories about growing up in my dysfunctional family. Let me start by telling a little history. I am the oldest out of 5 kids and have 3 sisters and one brother. My brother is the youngest and the only boy. My mom and dad divorced when I was two, she remarried and had 4 more kids, we do not consider ourselves half siblings, we are full siblings. I have enough stories about us to blog for years and years. I hope you will enjoy them. Nothing is made up, everything I blog about will be honest to goodness true stories.
A little about me......I am a single mother of a beautiful daughter. She will be 16 this month and I have no idea where the time went! I work for the state and do love my job. It doesn't pay a whole lot, but it is good work. We just moved into a new apartment and I am loving it. I'll start by explaining why we moved.
Last year my daughter and I moved into a redone garage apartment. The rent was super cheap and the landlord was living in Hawaii. His sister got real sick and he came back to take care of her. He put the house up for sale and it sold this past July. The new owner was a kindly older man who was happy about buying the place. The property had the main house and our little place was in the back yard. My daughter helped him do some cleaning after he moved in. We didn't have a washer or dryer and he offered to let us use his. My daughter took a load of laundry to the house every weekend. On Labor Day he wanted to have a cook out and he bought everything and I grilled it all up. We ate at his place. After we ate he showed us several picture albums and some stuff he had collected over the years. One of the pics was of him and two other guys in a prison yard. I asked if he had been in prison and he nodded his head. He's 83 so I really didn't think much of it. Later, I got curious and looked him up. He is a repeat sex offender! He like to rape young girls. He may be 83 but he's strong as an ox. He was lifting BIG tree limbs out of the back yard and putting them in the back of his truck without and help or any trouble.
I called the police and made a report. He had been 'grooming' my daughter to be his next victim. He told her (before we found out) that when they got 'closer' he was going to let her read his diary from 1997, that's when he raped a young girl. I was told that under Tennessee law, he's allowed to have young girls in his house as long as they don't live there or he isn't babysitting them. WTF??? There was nothing the police would do about it. I decided it was time to move. It took almost a month for me to find something, but I did fine a nice 2 bedroom apartment on the other side of town. For the last month we lived there, we were without hot water. The creep had disabled our hot water heater. Needless to say, it was a very difficult month. I had friends picking my daughter up after school and bringing her home when I got off work.
When he realized that my daughter wasn't there, he got real nasty towards me.
I couldn't relax at home always had a big icy knot in my stomach.
Thank God we are out of that mess and are in a better environment now. I'm relaxed and have been in a MUCH better mood since we moved. We've been here a couple of weeks and my attitude has changed so much for the better.
This is one story about my life that is a little dark, the rest will be a little lighter and hopefully you will enjoy reading them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this one.
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